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bovine_admin_store(store) async

Fixture for a bovine admin store, uses the same database as the store fixture.

Source code in bovine_store/bovine_store/utils/
async def bovine_admin_store(store) -> AsyncGenerator[BovineAdminStore, None]:
    """Fixture for a bovine admin store, uses the same database as the store fixture."""
    endpoint_mock = EndpointMock()

    yield BovineAdminStore(

bovine_store_actor(store, bovine_admin_store) async

Creates and returns a BovineStoreActor

Source code in bovine_store/bovine_store/utils/
async def bovine_store_actor(
    store, bovine_admin_store
) -> AsyncGenerator[BovineStoreActor, None]:
    """Creates and returns a BovineStoreActor"""
    bovine_name = await bovine_admin_store.register("MoonJumpingCow")

    yield await store.actor_for_name(bovine_name)

store() async

pytest fixture for a BovineStore if the environment variable BOVINE_DB_URL the db from it is used. The schema is created and dropped on each test. If the environment variable is not set a sqlite3 database is used, whose file is deleted after the test is finished.

Source code in bovine_store/bovine_store/utils/
async def store() -> AsyncGenerator[BovineStore, None]:
    """pytest fixture for a BovineStore if the environment variable
    `BOVINE_DB_URL` the db from it is used. The schema is created
    and dropped on each test. If the environment variable is not set
    a sqlite3 database is used, whose file is deleted after the test
    is finished."""
    response_mock = AsyncMock()
    response_mock.raise_for_status = lambda: 1
    session_mock = AsyncMock()
    session_mock.get.return_value = response_mock

    db_url = determine_db_url()
    store = BovineStore(
    await init_connection(db_url)

    yield store

    if os.environ.get("BOVINE_DB_URL"):
        connection = connections.get("default")
        for table in [
            await connection.execute_query(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table}")
        await close_connection()
        await close_connection()